About Us
Welcome to our website
We have been selling Beds, Mattresses and other furniture items, since 1995
Our first "shop" was actually based out of the garage of Pauls home at the time, in Pymble. About fifteen years ago, We moved into a factory space opposite McDonalds on Victoria Road, Gladesville and after growing rapidly, We moved into the factory complex we still occupy, at present.
The business was formerly known as Beds and Seconds, and has always had a well respected name.
Many of our first customers still come back for beds, or are now sending their kids around when they "move out" of home. Due to the disillusionment of a Partnership, we had a change of name on the 1st July 2006, to become simply Paul Giles Seconds.
Unlike some businesses, we take pleasure in trying our best to help people, and as a result we do something that most experts will tell business owners not to do, and that is, TO BE ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE. We try to offer you something that suits YOUR POCKET. For that very reason we get most referrals due to word of mouth, because good deeds come back tenfold.
When I’m not around, you’ll be ably assisted by my long serving staff.